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Il nuovo eVysor di eQuick offre al tuo cavallo il massimo del comfort e della protezione. Grazie alla combinazione di design e all'uso dei migliori materiali possiamo offrirti una protezione a 360° per gli occhi del tuo cavallo.



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The eVysor are a groundbreaking innovation in equine eye protection, designed to provide your horse with maximum comfort and unparalleled safety during riding. In an era where horses once roamed without any eye protection, we have now evolved to prioritize their well-being. The eVysor is at the forefront of this evolution, offering superior protection from the elements and enhancing your horse’s performance and comfort.


Unmatched UV Protection and Clarity


The eVysor is engineered to deliver exceptional UV protection, shielding your horse’s eyes from the harsh rays of the sun. This protection helps to prevent eye sensitivity and discomfort, ensuring your horse remains focused and comfortable. Additionally, the eVysor protects against injuries caused by dust, debris, branches, and wind, making it an indispensable accessory for any rider.

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Available Tints (ordered by luminous transmittance percentage):


• Transparent:

98.08% luminous transmittance

FIlter Category 0

Use: Suitable for indoor use or low light outdoor conditions, such as cloudy or nighttime. They do not provide much protection against intense sunlight. Suggested for horses that have eye discomfort caused by wind, insects, horses that have recently undergone eye surgery or surgery near the eye, to protect the eyes from dirt/stones or other flying objects such as during a race.


• Mirrored Orange:

46.28% luminous transmittance

Filter Category: 1

Use: Suitable for moderate sunlight conditions, such as days with little direct sunlight. Suggested for horses that are in low or moderate light conditions. These lenses are suitable for protecting the horses’ eyes on cloudy days or in shaded environments, offering light UV protection without overly darkening the vision. They are an alternative to transparent lenses with lower luminous transmittance.

• Mirrored Blue:

42.63% luminous transmittance

Filter Category: 2

Use: Suggested for horses that spend time outdoors in moderate light conditions. These lenses provide effective protection against UV rays, helping to prevent eye damage caused by sun exposure. Blue lenses improve visibility and reduce glare, making them ideal for horses participating in competitions, training, or simply spending time outdoors.


• Mirrored Green:

38.41% luminous transmittance, great for moderate light conditions.

Filter Category: 2

Use: Suggested for horses that spend a lot of time outdoors in moderate light conditions. These lenses provide effective protection against UV rays, helping to prevent eye damage caused by sun exposure. Green lenses improve visibility and reduce glare, making them ideal for horses participating in competitions, training, or simply spending a lot of time outdoors.

They are suggested also for horses suffering Uveitis, Cataracts, Eye Infections, Keratitis


• Mirrored Rainbow:

19.85% luminous transmittance

Filter Category: 2

Use: Suggested for horses that spend a lot of time outdoors in moderate to high light conditions. These lenses provide excellent protection against UV rays, helping to prevent eye damage caused by sun exposure. Rainbow lenses improve visibility and reduce glare, making them ideal for horses participating in competitions, training, or simply spending a lot of time outdoors.

They are suggested also for horses suffering Uveitis, Photo-sensitivity, Head-Shaking Syndrome, Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU), Cataracts, Eye Infections


• Darker:

10.45% luminous transmittance, ideal for bright sunlight.

Filter Category: 3

Use: suggested for horses that spend a lot of time outdoors in intense light conditions. These lenses provide superior protection against UV rays, helping to prevent eye damage caused by sun exposure. They are particularly suitable for very sunny days or environments with intense sunlight. Darker lenses improve visibility and significantly reduce glare, making them ideal for horses participating in competitions, training, or simply spending a lot of time outdoors.

They are suggested also for horses suffering Uveitis, Photo-sensitivity, Head-Shaking Syndrome, Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU), Cataracts, Eye Infections

Tutte le lenti offrono un'eccellente protezione UV.

Disponibili in Trasparente, Scuro, Azzurro Specchiato, Arancione Specchiato, Verde Specchiato e Tonalità Arcobaleno Specchiato.

Trasmissione Luminosa:

Trasparente 98,08%

Arancione Specchiato 46,28%

Azzurro Specchiato 42,63%

Verde Specchiato 38,41%

Arcobaleno Specchiato 19,85%

Più Scuro 10,45%


Categoria di Filtro:

Trasparente 0

Arancione Specchiato 1

Verde Specchiato 2

Arcobaleno Specchiato 2

Azzurro Specchiato 2

Più Scuro 3

La maschera eVysor per cavalli è raccomandata per una varietà di motivi:

Passeggiate a Cavallo


Protezione degli Occhi dai Dannosi Raggi UV del Sole,


Sabbia Bianca

Polvere e Rami



Gare di Barrel Racing






e tanti altri

Progettato per l'uso durante la cavalcata solo e quando il vostro cavallo è sorvegliato. Non è consigliato usare questo prodotto su un cavallo lasciato incustodito a causa del potenziale spostamento se un cavallo prova a strofinarsi gli occhi o si impiglia (ad es. in una recinzione).

L'eVysor si adatta sopra le orecchie e si aggancia sotto la mandibola.

Le cinghie sono fatte di materiale elastico spesso e confortevole. Ciò permette di metterlo e toglierlo facilmente dalla testa del vostro cavallo sopra la testiera.

Rimane in posizione molto bene durante tutte le attività compreso il salto ostacoli

Offerto in UNICA Taglia con cinghie molto facili da regolare per adattarsi a tutti i cavalli di taglia standard. Non si adatta a pony o a cavalli di grossa taglia come i cavalli da tiro.

eQuick® - Via dell’Industria, 55 - 31041 Cornuda (TV) P.IVA 04592730263 REA TV362501 customer service +39 042384692

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